Plans to erect a contemporary, new dwelling in Ruddington’s conservation area, right alongside The Green, have been submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC).
If approved, the garage belonging to 6, The Green (‘The White House’) would be demolished to make way for a two storey home (plus attic room) to be built ‘next door’ – over the current garden. The new plot would total 265 square metres. Part of the front wall of what would remain of the current number 6 site would be permanently removed to allow a vehicle to park there instead. Two further parking spaces are proposed in front of the new build, detached house on a brick-paved area adjoining the pavement.

Views are now being sought from members of the public about the desirability of these plans in such a prominent and sensitive village location. Mike Ader, of Ruddington Action Group, says: “This application seems totally inappropriate for somewhere as special to Ruddington as The Green. Any developments in and around this area should be totally in keeping to ensure that it enhances what is already there and does not ruin its character. I would commend anybody who disagrees with this application to put in their objections online by the deadline of April 7th.”
Mike adds: “If you’re looking for some more detailed rationale as to why it is inappropriate then look at the comments already submitted and that will give you a very good idea. We need to let Rushcliffe Borough Council planning know how strongly we feel about our very special village green.“

Borough Councillor, Jen Walker, who represents Ruddington, is also against this application. She is helping to support some local residents who wish to get it thrown out: “I have submitted an objection to this proposed plan due to various issues but mostly due to it being over-intensive for our village Conservation Zone” says Cllr Walker. “This means the plan will go to Planning Committee if it were to get passed by our planning officers in the first instance. This will allow residents another opportunity to voice their views about the proposed plan.”
Margaret Burrell comments: “The three derelict houses on The Green are owned by the same person. They’ve been effectively in the same state for 3 decades. Periodically (probably when the Council threaten him with something) he does something and then lets it all fall into disrepair again. Then recently, ‘vandals’ conveniently knocked down the front wall – just after he’d started laying down hardcore at the front.”
She adds: “Aside from the fact that this new property is totally out of keeping with the area, and would probably be left half finished anyway, I don’t think any planning consent should be granted without a condition (if legally possible) that the other properties are brought up to a habitable state before work on the new property commences.” has attempted to contact the owner of the properties, so that he could tell us his side of the story, but we have received no response so far.
Remember that your comments, whether supporting or objecting to this application [22/00485/FUL], must be submitted via RBC’s planning portal >>HERE<< by Thursday 7th April at the latest in order to be taken into consideration.
[Images courtesy of Building Design (Nottm) Limited]